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The reason for this school to exist is YOU.

I have always felt that my training would have been less hazardous and more direct, if I had been able to learn with a teacher and with others of like mind instead of by myself, piecing information together as it came over the years. I spent a long time being mystified by the mystical, which I suppose is part of the magic of it all, but I think that we can demystify magic and make it a more practical, everyday activity empowered by intentionality, knowledge, and self-confidence.

Our school aims to help you recognize your connection to witchcraft and to make it a living, breathing part of your day to day, to help you see the magic already inside you.

We come from a Traditional Witchcraft and Hedge Witchery background, so we have a heavy emphasis on animism, ancestor work, shadow work, with a special emphasis on herbalism. You will learn to make deep relationships with plants and how they can help us to make both magic and medicine, how to identify plants in the wild, and how to forage for them respectfully. There will be plenty of instruction on how to make various herbal remedies for every system of the body and how to make them with witchcraft in mind.

By the end of the full program you will understand the basic tenets of magical symbolism and be able to use that knowledge to create Sympathetic Force to help in the creation of magical tools, charms, amulets, spells, and various other items. You will know how to develop a magical body, how to protect yourself from and clear away non-beneficial forces, to shift your awareness in order to manifest your desires and overcome your fears, to call on elemental forces to cast a magic circle, to set sacred space in any environment, among many other things.

I invite you to take the next step toward embracing your own power and deepening your relationships with witchcraft, magic, and the herbal world.


Lead Instructor

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